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2002 German
held in 
September 20-22

Up to date scores for FCI World Championship in Baunatal Germany

Founding Member
of the

German Shepherd Schutzhund Club
and the 
Evergreen German Shepherd Dog Club

Web Site
Last Updated

07/25/2002 01:10:10 AM


In Memory of Our Beloved Friends
They were taken from us too soon & left a void in our lives when they passed.

Bill "at home" on the Schutzhund sport field, judging the sport & the dogs he loved.

To know William "Bill" Fields was to know 
a man who was comfortable with himself. 
He "marched to his own drummer" and did 
so with a style and dignity that few men 
can comprehend.

We had the honor to call Bill our Friend! He, 
along with his wife Dorothy trained with us 
over the many years we knew them. 
True German Shepherd devotee's and trainers.

Bill judged many trials for us and always was 
fair and honorable. He was true artisan that 
not only "guarded" the German Shepherd 
breed by his judging, but he added VOLUMES 
to the sport and membership of Schutzhund in 



In memory of our friend Egon Vollrath.

THE Ambassador of Schutzhund 
from America - THAT was Egon Vollrath!

There was no greater tribute to the 
United Schutzhund Clubs of America 
than to have Egon as a member and 
an integral part of the organization.

He added class and style to a sometimes 
fledging organization that "stumbled" now 
and again. His dedication, comradry and 
character ALWAYS added to the German 
Shepherd in America.

He is missed by the entire Schutzhund 
sport and German Shepherd enthusiasts 

Egon with his famous Marko, SchH 3 and Jack (from Siegerhof) with Alpha and Corro at the 1982 SchH 1 team tournament in California.



Cheers, Reinhard - we miss you!

It is hard to think of our Schutzhund education without thinking of Reinhard. He had great impact on our understanding of the TRUE working German Shepherd. He was a "purest" that tolerated ONLY the best and strongest dogs for breeding. 

Reinhard felt he had an obligation to the German Shepherd. Breed the best to the best...you get the best. He, along with his friend Jurgen Ritzi, had a great influence over the breeding program at the famous German working dog kennel "vom Bungalow".

His Kennel, "vom Höllbachgrund" was legendary for producing hard, strong dogs that worked! No "spun" or overly "prey driven" dogs - only strong, confident working dogs.

We miss Reinhard - as do those that honor the 
true working German Shepherd.

We truly miss these great friends. They added to our Schutzhund experience 
and we will always hold them in the highest esteem.

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4215 104th Street East
Tacoma, Washington 98446

Telephone: (253) 531-2195
Fax:            (253) 531-2314

E-mail: dogs@siegerhof.com

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